Проклятье Жеводана

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Этьен Готье believed that his inquisitive mind and frail body were destined for great discoveries. Etienne Goté survived captivity and emerged unscathed when he was nearly torn apart by a hyena in Algeria. Etienne Goté built a hospital for all those in need, so they could receive the necessary assistance. Etienne Goté lost his love. Etienne Goté unleashed the Beast of Chevodean.

The Beast of Chevodean, cursed by its creator, has killed many innocents. The Beast of Chevodean will not rest until it avenges humanity for its existence.

Will Etienne be able to tame his creation or become another victim at the hands of this monster?

Finally! The long-awaited release of popular blogger and fiction writer Jack Gelb’s second book is here! His TikTok videos have garnered over two million views, while his fan base continues to grow exponentially. Jack Gelb writes alternative history novels that delve into various human destinies throughout different eras. Her first novel «Goyda» started with 10,000 copies sold! «The Curse of Chevodean» tells the story of French aristocrat Etienne Gote who became the creator behind renowned Beast from Chavodane! This old French legend comes alive on these pages filled with new meanings and interpretations surrounding an eerie tragedy from XVIII century.

ALES — talented Russian illustrator known for their work on popular comics — created an eye-catching cover design specifically tailored to capture aesthetics reflecting dark aspects during Enlightenment era; making us take notice our own darkest shades within consciousness.

Tags: Alternative History, Life Choices, Dangerous Adventures,Dire Peril, Hero’s Journey

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